Accidents on Holiday: What Should You Do?

Friday 21st June 2024

Holidays are supposed to be relaxing and a time to enjoy new scenery and activities, but sometimes unexpected accidents can turn a dream holiday into a nightmare. Whether it's a slip by the hotel pool, a mishap during a recreational activity, or a transportation accident, injuries sustained on holiday can have serious consequences. In this blog, we explain the most common holiday accidents and guide you through the process of making a personal injury claim.

Most Common Causes of Holiday Accidents

Accidents can happen anywhere, but when you're on holiday, unfamiliar environments, language barriers and more relaxed vigilance can increase the risk. Some of the most common holiday accidents are as follows:

Hotel Negligence: Hotels have a duty of care to ensure the safety of their guests, but accidents can still happen due to various forms of negligence. Wet floors can lead to slips and falls, faulty equipment or poorly maintained facilities can cause injuries, and inadequate security measures can expose guests to harm. These situations not only disrupt your holiday but can also result in significant physical and emotional distress.

Transportation Accidents: Travel is a significant part of any holiday, and accidents can happen during various stages of the journey. Incidents may occur during flights, particularly during take-off, landing, or turbulence. Car, bus, and taxi rides also pose risks, often due to reckless driving or poorly maintained vehicles. Maritime travel, such as ferry or cruise ship incidents, can also result in accidents that disrupt your holiday experience and cause injuries.

Recreational Activities: Engaging in adventurous activities is a highlight for many holidaymakers, where the excitement of a new experience is often seen to outweigh the potential risks which are more common than you’d think! Accidents can occur during water sports like jet skiing or diving, injuries can happen on guided tours or excursions, and mishaps are common during skiing or other more extreme sports. These incidents can turn an exciting holiday experience into a challenging ordeal.

Steps to Take After a Holiday Accident

If you find yourself injured while on holiday, taking the right steps can significantly impact your ability to make a successful claim:

1.     Seek Medical Attention Immediately

Your health is the top priority, so obtain immediate medical treatment, even if your injuries seem minor – it’s always better to be safe than sorry! Prompt medical attention not only ensures that you receive the necessary care to prevent complications, but also creates a vital record of your condition immediately following the accident. Make sure to get a comprehensive written medical report detailing your injuries, the treatment you received, and any recommended follow-up care. This documentation will be crucial for your personal injury claim as it provides evidence of the harm you suffered and the impact it has had on your health and well-being.

2.     Report the Incident

Inform the relevant authorities about the accident to ensure that it is officially documented.

Hotel Accidents: If the accident occurred in a hotel, report it to the management immediately, providing all necessary details about how and where it happened.

Travel-related Accidents: In cases of travel-related accidents, such as those involving a car, bus, or taxi, notify the transportation provider or local traffic authorities to create an official accident report.

Recreational Activities: If the injury took place during a recreational activity or excursion, inform the activity organisers or tour guides without delay.

It is important to provide a clear and accurate account of the incident to each relevant party, as these reports will serve as essential evidence in your claim. Additionally, request copies of any accident reports or written statements to support your case. By ensuring that the incident is properly reported, you establish a documented trail that can substantiate your claim and facilitate a smoother compensation process.

3.     Gather Evidence

Make sure to collect as much evidence as possible to support your claim. Take pictures of the accident scene and any visible injuries, obtain the contact details of witnesses who can corroborate your story, and keep copies of medical reports, receipts for expenses, and any correspondence related to the incident.

4.     Pursue a Holiday Accident Claim

Finally, contact our expert personal injury team at Howard & Over. Reach out to us as soon as possible. Early legal advice can be crucial in ensuring a strong claim. We offer a free initial consultation to evaluate your case on a no win, no fee basis. Here’s how we can assist you:

Initial Consultation: We will thoroughly review your case, by listening to your story, examining the evidence, and assessing the viability of your claim. If we believe that your claim is unlikely to succeed, we'll inform you upfront.

Investigation and Evidence Gathering: We will undertake investigations to gather relevant information and evidence related to your injury. This may include gathering medical records, witness statements, and other documentation to support your claim.

Assess the Potential Compensation Claim: We will evaluate the how much compensation you may be entitled to. This includes considering factors such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future care needs. 

Negotiate with Opposing Parties: We will negotiate with insurance companies or opposing parties on your behalf to ensure you achieve a fair settlement that reflects the true extent of your injuries and losses.

Litigation (if necessary): If we believe a fair settlement isn't possible, we will suggest taking your case to court. Our team have extensive litigation experience and will work hard to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

Provide Ongoing Support: From the initial free consultation to the resolution of your claim, we will provide ongoing support and guidance. You'll have a dedicated team of legal professionals by your side, ready to answer your questions and address your concerns.
Accidents on holiday can be distressing and disruptive, but with the right support, you can navigate the claims process with ease and secure the compensation you deserve. At Howard & Over, we are dedicated to providing expert legal assistance to ensure that your rights are protected and your recovery is supported.

 For more information or assistance, visit our website or call us directly.

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